Ambien DUI Defense Attorney In California

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Ambien DUI Defense Attorney

If you or a loved one has been charged with driving under the influence of a sleeping pill, such as Ambien, Lunesta, Sonata, Rozerem, you should immediately contact an Ambien DUI Defense Attorney at The H Law Group to represent you and keep you from going to jail for a long period of time and losing your driver’s license.

You should not take a drug DUI charge lightly as a conviction of even a first time Ambien DUI conviction carries up to six months in jail, suspension of your driver’s license, and payment of hefty fees and fines. So, if you have been charged with driving under the influence of Ambien or any other sleeping pills, you should immediately contact Ambien DUI Defense Attorney at The H Law Group to represent you and keep you from going to jail.

Our attorneys have represented thousands of clients who have been charged with DUIs, so they have the knowledge and experience necessary to achieve the best possible outcome for you. Schedule your free consultation today by filling out the contact form below or by calling us at 1 (213) 370-0404.


Many of our clients are surprised when we inform them that driving under the influence of prescription Ambien or any prescription drug can land them a DUI. They assume that because a medication is prescribed that they can take the medication and drive without any consequences.

The truth is that a person can be convicted of a DUI for driving under prescription and nonprescription drugs. So, the next time you decide to take Ambien or any other prescription or nonprescription sleeping pill, keep in mind that you can be charged with a DUI in violation of California Vehicle Code Section 23152(f) VC.

Here are some of the most common sleeping medications that clients are arrested for using and driving:

  • Ambien
  • Lunesta
  • Rozerem
  • Sonata
  • Doral
  • Prosom
  • Carbrital
  • Dalmane
  • Restoril

Note: If you have used any of these drugs, you are probably aware of the sticker on the bottle that warns the patient of the drowsiness or sleepiness caused by the medication and its effects on a person’s ability to drive or operate heavy machinery.


For the prosecution to convict a person of an Ambien DUI, the prosecution must prove the following elements beyond a reasonable doubt. If the prosecution fails to prove even one element, it will not be able to convict the defendant of driving under the influence of Ambien in violation of VC 23152(f).

  • The defendant drove a vehicle,
  • At the time the defendant drove, he was under the influence of sleeping pills, such as Ambien, Lunesta, Rozerem, Sonata, or any other sleeping pills, AND
  • The defendant’s ability to drive a motor vehicle was impaired, meaning the defendant was unable to drive as would a person under similar circumstances

Note: Whether you were taking the pills for a legitimate medical reason or for recreational use, the prosecution can convict you of driving under the influence of drugs in violation of VC 23152(f). We have some clients who have been arrested for driving under the influence on Ambien, not on the night they took Ambien, rather, the second morning after waking up. This is so because the effects of Ambien had not worn off and their driving was impaired. So, if you’re taking Ambien please be careful as you could be charged with an Ambien DUI for driving while still under the influence of Ambien.

If you have been arrested for an Ambien DUI or Sleeping Pill DUI, you should promptly contact an experienced Ambien DUI Defense Attorney at The H Law Group to defend you and keep you from going to jail and losing your driver license.


If the prosecution convicts a person of driving under the influence of Ambien or any other sleeping drugs (prescription, nonprescription, and illegal), he or she faces the following potential penalties:

  • Conviction of a misdemeanor offense
  • Up to six months of imprisonment in county jail
  • A fine of up to $1,000
  • Placement on informal summary probation for three to five years
  • Enrollment in and completion of a DUI education program
  • Performance of community service
  • Suspension of your driver license for up to six months
  • Installation of an ignition interlock device


If you have been charged with an Ambien DUI, there are a number of defenses that your attorney can make to defend you. Here are some of the defenses that your attorney may be able to use:

  • The defendant was not the driver of the vehicle
  • The defendant was not under the influence of Ambien or any other sleeping pills
  • The defendant was a victim of an unlawful search or seizure
  • The defendant was not impaired at the time he was stopped


If you or a loved one has been charged with driving under the influence of Ambien or any other sleeping pills or sleeping aids, you should immediately contact a Los Angeles Ambien DUI Defense Attorney at The H Law Group to defend you and keep you from going to jail. Our attorneys have handled thousands of DUI cases, so they have the knowledge and experience necessary to achieve the best possible outcome for you. Schedule your free consultation today by filling out the contact form below or by calling us at 1 (213) 370-0404.