DUI Attorney Sacramento

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Introduction to Misdemeanor DUI in California by Sacramento DUI Attorney

If you've been arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs in California, you face serious criminal charges impacting your life. At The H Law Group, our Sacramento DUI attorneys specialize in defending clients accused of DUI offenses. We understand California DUI laws, penalties, and defenses to fight your case and protect your rights.

What is a Misdemeanor DUI in California?

California DUI offenses fall into two categories: misdemeanors and felonies. A felony DUI involves causing serious injury or death while under the influence. A misdemeanor DUI applies to most cases with no injuries or fatalities.

However, a misdemeanor DUI is still a criminal offense with harsh consequences, including:

  • Fines
  • Jail time
  • License suspension
  • DUI school
  • Probation

The severity depends on prior DUI convictions within 10 years and arrest circumstances.

Sacramento DUI Attorney Explains Legal Standards and BAC Limits

California Vehicle Code Section 23152 prohibits driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or both. The state uses Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) levels to measure alcohol in your system. Legal BAC limits are:

  • 0.08% for drivers 21+ operating regular vehicles
  • 0.04% for commercial vehicle drivers
  • Any detectable level for drivers under 21 (California's zero-tolerance policy)

A BAC above the legal limit can result in a DUI per se charge, where the state doesn't need to prove impairment. You can also be charged with DUI if impaired by drugs or a combination of alcohol and drugs, regardless of BAC level.

Penalties for Misdemeanor DUI in California (as explained by a Sacramento DUI Lawyer)

Misdemeanor DUI penalties vary depending on whether it's your first, second, or third offense within 10 years. Here's a general overview:

  • First Offense
    • Fines: $390-$1,000 base fines, but total costs can exceed $1,800 with penalties and court fees.
    • Jail Time: Possible 48 hours to 6 months county jail, potentially converted to probation.
    • License Suspension: 6-10 months, with a possibility of a restricted license for essential driving.
    • DUI School: Mandatory 3- to 9-month program on alcohol and drugs' dangers and effects.
    • Probation: 3-5 years of informal probation, requiring no driving under the influence, no new crimes, and following court orders.
  • Second Offense
    • Increased Fines and Penalties: Similar base fines as a first offense, but with higher total costs due to additional penalties, like an ignition interlock device (IID) that prevents starting your car with any alcohol in your breath.
    • Jail Time: 96 hours to 1 year in county jail, potentially reduced by participating in work release or community service programs.
    • License Suspension: 2 years, with a possibility of obtaining a restricted license after 12 months with an IID installed and meeting other requirements.
    • DUI School: Enrollment in an 18- to 30-month DUI education program covering more topics and requiring more hours than the first offense program.
    • Probation: Stricter terms compared to a first offense, including more frequent testing and monitoring, higher fines and fees, and a longer probation period.
  • Third Offense
    • Fines and Penalties: Higher end of the range for fines and penalties, with mandatory IID installation in your car for at least 2 years.
    • Jail Time: 120 days to 1 year in county jail, with a possibility of partial service in a residential treatment program or an alternative sentencing program.
    • License Suspension: 3 years, with a possibility of getting a restricted license after 18 months upon completing a DUI education program and installing an IID in your car.
    • DUI School: Required participation in a 30-month DUI education program, the most intensive and comprehensive of all the programs.
    • Probation: Similar or stricter conditions compared to the second offense, such as a longer probation period, higher fines and fees, and more restrictions on driving privileges.

How Can a Sacramento DUI Attorney Help You Fight Your Misdemeanor DUI Charge?

If you're facing a misdemeanor DUI charge in Sacramento, California, contacting a skilled and experienced Sacramento DUI attorney is crucial. They can protect your rights and fight for the best possible outcome in your case. Here at The H Law Group, our Sacramento DUI attorneys have a proven track record of success defending clients accused of DUI offenses.

We understand the complexities of California DUI laws and procedures, and we know how to challenge the evidence against you. Here are some ways a Sacramento DUI attorney from our firm can help:

  • Challenging the Traffic Stop: We can analyze the details of your stop and argue that the officer lacked a valid reason to pull you over or violated your constitutional rights during the stop. This could lead to the dismissal of evidence obtained during the stop, such as field sobriety test results.
  • Disputing Field Sobriety Tests: Field sobriety tests are not foolproof and can be influenced by factors like fatigue, medication, or uneven terrain. We can expose weaknesses in the administration of the tests or argue that the officer misinterpreted the results.
  • Questioning BAC Testing Procedures: Breathalyzer and blood tests can be inaccurate due to improper calibration, officer error, or contamination. We can meticulously examine the testing procedures and identify any issues that might have compromised the results.
  • Rising Blood Alcohol Defense: If there was a significant delay between your arrest and the BAC test, your blood alcohol level might have risen after you were stopped. We can explore this defense strategy to demonstrate your BAC was legal at the time of driving.
  • Medical Conditions and Diet: Certain medical conditions or diets can affect BAC readings. We can present evidence that a medical condition or your diet skewed the test results, leading to a false positive or inflated BAC level.

Don't Face a DUI Charge Alone

A Sacramento DUI conviction can have serious consequences, including fines, jail time, license suspension, and increased car insurance rates. It's important to have a strong legal defense on your side.

At The H Law Group, our Sacramento DUI attorneys are committed to protecting your rights and achieving the best possible outcome in your case. We will work tirelessly to investigate the details of your arrest, challenge the prosecution's evidence, and explore all available defense options.

Don't hesitate to contact us today for a free consultation. We are available 24/7 to answer your questions and discuss your options. Call now on 888-499-4948.